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установка eggdrop1.6.18 с gseen.mod, stats.mod
первым делом естественно скачиваем дистрибутив, последние версии у разработчиков http://www.eggheads.org/
далее пошагово.


shadow@rox# tar xfz eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz
shadow@rox# cd eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod
shadow@rox# ls
Makefile.in channels.mod ctcp.mod filesys.mod modvals.h server.mod uptime.mod
assoc.mod compress.mod dns.mod irc.mod notes.mod share.mod wire.mod
blowfish.mod console.mod eggmod.m4 module.h seen.mod transfer.mod woobie.mod

по умолчанию в пакет включены такие модули.
нам нужно добавить gseen.mod, stats.mod
gseen.mod - отвечает за работу команды !seen, которая на мой взгляд обязательно должна быть у каждого бота. gseen.mod
stats.mod - модуль для статистики болтливости пользователей, кто больше всех разговаривает и создается топ10 болтунов или флудеров, как хотитет, так и называйте :).
закачайте эти модули в папку src/mod вашим фтп клиентом.

2. надо текстовым редактором вашего шелла открыть файл eggdrop1.6.18/src/eggdrop.h и находим строки
#define HANDLEN 9 /* valid values 9->NICKMAX */
#define NICKMAX 32 /* valid values HANDLEN->32 */

меняем на

#define HANDLEN 32 /* valid values 9->NICKMAX */
#define NICKMAX 32 /* valid values HANDLEN->32 */

в моем случае я пользуюсь редактором vi

shadow@rox# vi eggdrop1.6.18/src/eggdrop.h

полезные кнопки в редакторе.
d - удаление одного символа.
i - режим редактирования, в этом режиме и пишем цифру
esc - выход из режима редактирования, в этом режиме можно нажимать кнопки вверх и вниз, влева, вправо.
после того как поменяли, надо сохраниться и выйти.


3. теперь приступаем к компиляции, нам нужно установить бота в каталог /home/veldrin/eggdrop2

для этого заходим в /home/veldrin/eggdrop1.6.18
shadow@rox# ./configure --prefix=/home/veldrin/eggdrop2
shadow@rox# make config
shadow@rox# make
shadow@rox# make install

P.S. если вы напишите просто ./configure бот установится по умолчанию в каталог /home/veldrin/eggdrop

4. редактируем конфиг бота, без этого он просто не запустится...

ниже конфиг который я средактировал, показаны только те опции которые необходимо отредактировать.

##### BASIC SETTINGS #####

encoding system iso8859-1 указываем русскую кодировку, чтобы корректно работала

# This setting defines the username the bot uses on IRC. This setting has
# no effect if an ident daemon is running on your bot's machine.
set username "Botica"

# This setting defines which contact person should be shown in .status,
# /msg help, and other places. You really should include this information.
set admin "VeldRiN "

# This setting is used only for info to share with others on your botnet.
# Set this to the IRC network your bot is connected to.
set network "YakNet" наша сеть YakNet

# Languages included with Eggdrop: Danish, English, French, Finnish, German.
addlang "russian" использовать будем русский язык

##### LOG FILES #####

# This is the maximum number of logfiles allowed. This setting can be
# increased; however, don't decrease it.
set max-logs 20 каналов бывает больше 20-ти

# This is the maximum size of your logfiles. Set it to 0 to disable.
# This value is in kilobytes, so '550' would mean cycle logs when it
# reaches the size of 550 kilobytes. Note that this only works if you
# have keep-all-logs 0 (OFF).
set max-logsize 10000 после 10Мб, лог файл стирается

# This creates a logfile named eggdrop.log containing private msgs/ctcps,
# commands, errors, and misc. info from any channel.
logfile mco * "logs/eggdrop.log"

# This creates a logfile named lamest.log containing joins, parts,
# netsplits, kicks, bans, mode changes, and public chat on the
# channel #lamest.
logfile jpk #bots "logs/bots.log" мы будем писать лог этого канала

# Use this feature to timestamp entries in the log file.
set log-time 1

# If you want to keep your logfiles forever, turn this setting on. All
# logfiles will get suffix ".[day, 2 digits][month, 3 letters][year, 4 digits]".
# Note that your quota/hard-disk might be filled by this, so check your
# logfiles often and download them.
set keep-all-logs 0

##### CONSOLE #####

# This is the default console mode. It uses the same event flags as the log
# files do. The console channel is automatically set to your "primary" channel,
# which is set in the modules section of the config file. Masters can change
# their console channel and modes with the '.console' command.

set console "mcobxs"


# Specify here the filename your userfile should be saved as.
set userfile "botic.user" в этом файле будут храниться пароли итп

# Specify here the filename Eggdrop will save its pid to. If no pidfile is
# specified, pid.(botnet-nick) will be used.
set pidfile "pid.botic" файл, где хранится номер процесса, может понадобиться скриптам итп

# This specifies what permissions the user, channel, and notes files should
# be set to. The octal values are the same as for the chmod system command.
# To remind you:
# u g o u g o u g o
# 0600 rw------- 0400 r-------- 0200 -w------- u - user
# 0660 rw-rw---- 0440 r--r----- 0220 -w--w---- g - group
# 0666 rw-rw-rw- 0444 r--r--r-- 0222 -w--w--w- o - others
# Note that the default 0600 is the most secure one and should only be changed
# if you need your files for shell scripting or other external applications.
set userfile-perm 0600


# Settings in this section should be unimportant for you until you deal
# with botnets (multiple Eggdrops connected together to maximize efficiency).
# You should read doc/BOTNET before modifying these settings.

# If you want to use a different nickname on the botnet than you use on
# IRC (i.e. if you're on an un-trusted botnet), un-comment the next line
# and set it to the nick you would like to use.
set botnet-nick "botic" я думаю с ботнетом лучше, чем без него :)

listen 5554 all параметр для ботнета и вообще дсс

# This setting will drop telnet connections not matching a known host.
set protect-telnet 1 в целях безопасности, тем кого нет в списке юзерхостов не будет отвечать

# This setting will make the bot ignore DCC chat requests which appear to
# have bogus information on the grounds that the user may have been trying
# to make the bot connect to somewhere that will get it into trouble, or
# that the user has a broken client, in which case the connect wouldn't work
# anyway.
set dcc-sanitycheck 1

# This settings defines a time in seconds that the bot should wait before
# a dcc chat, telnet, or relay connection times out.
set ident-timeout 5

# Define here whether or not a +o user still needs the +p flag to dcc the bot.
set require-p 1 дополнительный флаг для доступа в дсс(патилайн)

# If you want people allow to telnet in and type 'NEW' to become a new user,
# set this to 1. This is similar to the 'hello' msg command. The protect-telnet
# setting must be set to 0 to use this.
set open-telnets 0

# If you don't want Eggdrop to identify itself as an eggdrop on a telnet
# connection, set this setting to 1. Eggdrop will display 'Nickname' instead.
set stealth-telnets 0

# If you want Eggdrop to display a banner when telneting in, set this setting
# to 1. The telnet banner is set by 'set telnet-banner'.
set use-telnet-banner 0

# This settings defines a time in seconds that the bot should wait before
# a dcc chat, telnet, or relay connection times out.
set connect-timeout 15

# Specify here the number of lines to accept from a user on the partyline
# within 1 second before they are considered to be flooding and therefore
# get booted.
set dcc-flood-thr 3

# Define here how many telnet connection attempts in how many seconds from
# the same host constitute a flood. The correct format is Attempts:Seconds.
set telnet-flood 5:60

# If you want telnet-flood to apply even to +f users, set this setting to 1.
set paranoid-telnet-flood 1

# Set here the amount of seconds before giving up on hostname/address
# lookup (you might want to increase this if you are on a slow network).
set resolve-timeout 15

# Un-comment the next line and set the list of owners of the bot.
# You NEED to change this setting.
set owner "VeldRiN"

# Who should a note be sent to when new users are learned?
set notify-newusers "$owner"

# Set here the maximum number of dcc connections you will allow. You can
# increase this later, but never decrease it.
set max-dcc 50

# that have not been fully configured may join the wrong IRC network, the
# wrong channels, or generally do things that you do not want. Please make
# sure that you have double-checked every setting. There's also a similar line
# lower down, just to make sure you're reading :)
#die "Please make sure you edit your config file completely." надо закомментировать

##### MODULES #####

# Below are various settings for the modules included with Eggdrop.
# PLEASE READ AND EDIT THEM CAREFULLY, even if you're an old hand at
# Eggdrop, things change.

# This path specifies the path were Eggdrop should look for its modules.
# If you run the bot from the compilation directory, you will want to set
# this to "". If you use 'make install' (like all good kiddies do ;), this
# is a fine default. Otherwise, use your head :)
set mod-path "modules/"

#### DNS MODULE ####

# This module provides asynchronous dns support. This will avoid long
# periods where the bot just hangs there, waiting for a hostname to
# resolve, which will often let it timeout on all other connections.
loadmodule dns


# This module provides channel related support for the bot. Without it,
# you won't be able to make the bot join a channel or save channel
# specific userfile information.
loadmodule channels

# Enter here the filename where dynamic channel settings are stored.
set chanfile "botic.chan" файл, где будет храниться информация о тех каналах, где будет сидеть бот.

# Set this setting to 1 if you want your bot to expire bans/exempts/invites set
# by other opped bots on the channel.
set force-expire 0

# Set this setting to 1 if you want your bot to share user greets with other
# bots on the channel if sharing user data.
set share-greet 0

# Set this setting to 1 if you want to allow users to store an info line.
set use-info 1

# The following settings are used as default values when you .+chan #chan or .tcl
# channel add #chan. Look in the section below for explanation of every option.

set global-flood-chan 0:0 0:0 потому что встроенные опции сервисов YakNet, могут и так справиться с этим без ботов.
set global-flood-deop 0:0
set global-flood-kick 0:0
set global-flood-join 0:0
set global-flood-ctcp 0:0
set global-flood-nick 0:0
set global-aop-delay 5:30
set global-idle-kick 0
set global-chanmode "nt"
set global-stopnethack-mode 0
set global-revenge-mode 0
set global-ban-time 120
set global-exempt-time 60
set global-invite-time 60

set global-chanset {
-autoop -autovoice
-bitch +cycle
-dontkickops +dynamicbans
+dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites
-enforcebans -greet
-inactive +nodesynch
-protectfriends -protectops
-revenge -revengebot
-secret -seen
+shared -statuslog
+userbans +userexempts
+userinvites -protecthalfops

#-dontkickops чтобы не ругалась, если с овнера уберут оп
#-statuslog зачем на флуд в патилайне?
#-revenge -protectops -bitch чтобы бот был не злопамятным, не кикал и банил почем зря... сами справимся.


# This module provides the core server support. You have to load this
# if you want your bot to come on IRC. Not loading this is equivalent
# to the old NO_IRC define.
loadmodule server

# What is your network?
# 0 = EFnet
# 1 = IRCnet
# 2 = Undernet
# 3 = DALnet
# 4 = +e/+I/max-modes 20 Hybrid
# 5 = Others
set net-type 3

# Set the nick the bot uses on IRC, and on the botnet unless you specify a
# separate botnet-nick, here.
set nick "botic" ник бота

# Set the alternative nick which the bot uses on IRC if the nick specified
# by 'set nick' is unavailable. All '?' characters will be replaced by random
# numbers.
set altnick "botic_"

# Set what should be displayed in the real-name field for the bot on IRC.
# This can not be blank, it has to contain something.
set realname "botic"

# This is a Tcl script to be run immediately after connecting to a server.
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"

# Set the default port which should be used if none is specified with
# '.jump' or in 'set servers'.
set default-port 6669

# This is the bot's server list. The bot will start at the first server listed,
# and cycle through them whenever it gets disconnected. You need to change these
# servers to YOUR network's servers.
# The format is:
# server[:port[:password]]
# Both the port and password fields are optional; however, if you want to set a
# password you must also set a port. If a port isn't specified it will default to
# your default-port setting.
set servers {
irc.ykt.ru:6669 куда будем коннектиться

# This setting makes the bot try to get his original nickname back if its
# primary nickname is already in use.
set keep-nick 0 лучше отключить, пускай гуестом посидит, чем будет заниматься ник-флудом

### SERVER MODULE - OTHER NETWORKS (net-type 5) ###

# This setting allows you to specify the maximum nick-length supported by your
# network. The default setting is 9. The maximum supported length by Eggdrop
# is 32.
set nick-len 32 используем длину ников до 32

#### CTCP MODULE ####

# This module provides the normal ctcp replies that you'd expect.
# Without it loaded, CTCP CHAT will not work. The server module
# is required for this module to function.
loadmodule ctcp

# Set here how the ctcp module should answer ctcps. There are 3 possible
# operating modes:
# 0: Normal behavior is used.
# 1: The bot ignores all ctcps, except for CHAT and PING requests
# by users with the +o flag.
# 2: Normal behavior is used, however the bot will not answer more
# than X ctcps in Y seconds (defined by 'set flood-ctcp').
set ctcp-mode 0

# There are also several variables to help make your bot less noticeable.
# They are: ctcp-version, ctcp-finger, and ctcp-userinfo. You can use set to set
# them to values you'd like.

#### IRC MODULE ####

# This module provides basic IRC support for your bot. You have to
# load this if you want your bot to come on IRC. The server and channels
# modules must be loaded for this module to function.
loadmodule irc

# Set here the maximum number of bans you want the bot to set on a channel.
# Eggdrop will not place any more bans if this limit is reached. Undernet
# currently allows 45 bans, IRCnet allows 30, EFnet allows 100, and DALnet
# allows 100.
set max-bans 100 в далнете список банлиста может дойти и до 100

# There is a global limit for +b/+e/+I modes. This limit should be set to
# the same value as max-bans for networks that do not support +e/+I.
set max-modes 100

# If you want people to be able to add themselves to the bot's userlist
# with the default userflags (defined above in the config file) via the
# 'hello' msg command, set this to 1.
set learn-users 0 мне оно нафига не нужно, зарегю если захочу сам.

# Many IRCops find bots by seeing if they reply to 'hello' in a msg.
# You can change this to another word by un-commenting the following
# two lines and changing "myword" to the word wish to use instead of
# 'hello'. It must be a single word.
#unbind msg - hello *msg:hello
#bind msg - myword *msg:hello

# Many takeover attempts occur due to lame users blindly /msg ident'ing to
# the bot and attempting to guess passwords. We now unbind this command by
# default to discourage them. You can enable these commands by commenting the
# following two lines.
unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost

# Some IRC servers are using some non-standard op-like channel prefixes/modes.
# Define them here so the bot can recognize them. Just "@" should be fine for
# most networks. Un-comment the second line for some UnrealIRCds.

set opchars "@&~" чтобы бот понимал флаг сервисов anope (sop,owner)

#### NOTES MODULE ####

# This module provides support for storing of notes for users from each other.
# Note sending between currently online users is supported in the core, this is
# only for storing the notes for later retrieval.
loadmodule notes

# Set here the filename where private notes between users are stored.
set notefile "botic.notes"

# Comment out this next line. Otherwise, your bot won't start.
#die "You didn't edit your config file completely like you were told, did you?"


# This module provides storage of console settings when you exit the
# bot or type .store on the partyline.
loadmodule console

# Save users console settings automatically? Otherwise, they have
# to use the .store command.
set console-autosave 1

# If a user doesn't have any console settings saved, which channel
# do you want them automatically put on?
set force-channel 0

# Enable this setting if a user's global info line should be displayed
# when they join a botnet channel.
set info-party 0


# Eggdrop encrypts its userfile, so users can have secure passwords.
# Please note that when you change your encryption method later (i.e.
# using other modules like a md5 module), you can't use your current
# userfile anymore. Eggdrop will not start without an encryption module.
loadmodule blowfish шифрация паролей юзерфайла


# This module reports uptime statistics to http://uptime.eggheads.org.
# Go look and see what your uptime is! It takes about 9 hours to show up,
# so if your bot isn't listed, try again later. The server module must be
# loaded for this module to function.
# Information sent to the server includes the bot's uptime, botnet-nick,
# server, version, and IP address. This information is stored in a temporary
# logfile for debugging purposes only. The only publicly available information
# will be the bot's botnet-nick, version and uptime. If you do not wish for this
# information to be sent, comment out the following line.
loadmodule uptime

##### SCRIPTS #####

# This is a good place to load scripts to use with your bot.

# This line loads script.tcl from the scripts directory inside your Eggdrop's
# directory. All scripts should be put there, although you can place them where
# you like as long as you can supply a fully qualified path to them.
# source scripts/script.tcl

source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source gseen.conf Добавляем в загрузку конф файлы
source stats.conf

# Use this script for Tcl and Eggdrop backwards compatibility.
# NOTE: This can also cause problems with some newer scripts.
#source scripts/compat.tcl

# This script provides many useful informational functions, like setting
# users' URLs, e-mail address, ICQ numbers, etc. You can modify it to add
# extra entries.
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help

5. Настраиваем gseen.mod

Сперва надо скачать русский язык для модуля. скачать ru.lang

копируем его в папку /home/veldrin/eggdrop2/language по фтп.
также надо скопировать конф файл.


shadow@rox# cp /home/veldrin/eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/gseen.mod/gseen.conf /home/veldrin/eggdrop2/

Открываем файл gseen.conf в папке eggdrop2

### General Settings

# the file where the seen data will be backuped.
# WARNING: set this _before_ the module is loaded.
set gseenfile "gseen.dat" сюда модуль будет писать данные
set seen-nick-len 32 ники с поддержкой длины до 32 символов

# now load the module
loadmodule gseen

# load the English language file
loadseenslang "ru" "Russian" language/gseen.ru.lang указываем путь боту, где лежит наш файл с переводом

# set the default language to english...
set default-slang "ru" указываем какой язык использовать

# ... but let #xwp use the german langfile
#setchanseenlang #xwp "de"

# the char that marks public commands (!seen, etc...)
# "" is a valid option
set cmdchar "!"

# delete data sets that are older than x days
set expire-seens 20 если ника не было больше 20 дней удаляем, как лишний мусор

# only answer x seen requests in y seconds to prevent flooding
set max-seens 7:60

# tell users if someone was !seen'ing for them
set tell-seens 0

# check if the user was online under a different nick
set fuzzy-search 1

# allow user to include wildcards in the search?
set wildcard-search 1

# break search if there are more than x matches
set max-matches 250

# forward a request to other bots, if a !seen returned no result?
set botnet-seens 1 бот может искать по ботнету средих других ботов, на других каналах и даже серверах.

# store channels, which are +secret on the bot as [secret]?
set hide-secret-chans 1

# backup the seen data every x minutes
set save-seens 60

6. Настраиваем stats.mod

скачиваем русский язык для нашего модуля ... скачать stats.ru.lang

копируем в папку /home/veldrin2/eggdrop/language, таким же макаром копируем в папку eggdrop2 stats.conf



### General Settings

# the file where the data is stored
# WARNING: Always set this var _before_ the module is loaded, or it won't
# find your stats.
set statsfile "statsmod.dat" Сюда будут записываться данные модуля

# load the module itself
loadmodule stats

# save data every x minutes
set save-stats 15

# add new users to the database if they stay more than x minutes
# in the channel
# >0: enabled
# 0: don't add new users, but recheck every minute if a user idented himself
# -1: don't add new users and don't recheck every minute. If someone idents
# him/herself, he/she must cycle the chan to be recognized. (lowest CPU usage)
set autoadd 5 автоматически добавляет новых пользователей через каждые 5 минут

# delete users that have been added by the module if they haven't been seen
# for more than x days
set expire-users 12 если в течении 12 дней юзера не было удаляем из файла данных

# log wordstats (most used words) (this stats are resetted daily)
# NOTE: This is very cpu- and memory consuming, so don't
# turn this on if you're worried about memory or cpu usage
set log-wordstats 1 это для статистики топ10, как написано жрёт больше оперативки, чем без него

# minimum length of a word to be logged
# (0 is best to get exact results)
set min-word-length 0

# display how many random URLs in the misc stats?
# (setting this to 0 also disables the logging of URLs
# and can therefore lower your cpu-usage)
#set display-urls 5

# display how many random kicks in the misc stats?
#set display-kicks 5

# when logging kicks, also save the last x lines of activity in the chan
#set kick-context 5

# log every Xth quote
# If this value is lower, then the random quotes will be more random,
# but the memory usage will also increase.
#set quote-frequency 5

### languages

# reset old slangs before we load the new ones...

# load the default language
loadslang language/stats.ru.lang устанавливаем путь до файла с нашим переводом

### public commands

# the char that marks public commands (!top10, etc...)
# "" is a valid option
set cmdchar "!"

# don't answer more than x commands in y seconds
set max-stat-cmds 5:60

# information that the !stat reply will contain
set stat-reply "words letters lines wpl actions smileys questions joins kicks modes nicks topics started minutes idle"

### HTML settings

# list the top x users
set topnr 20

# table-color and fade-table-color are hex numbers which represent a rgb color.
# If you do not know how to use this format, either use the default or ask
# someone who knows it. (it's the HTML-standard-format)

# the background color of your table
set table-color 0x3850B8

# fade table color to another color
set fade-table-to 0x000000

# border width of the table (0 == no border, which is probably the best)
set table-border 0

# The following two settings only affect the display of the stats. The bot will
# still log and save everything, no matter if it's displayed or not.
# Please don't use "slangified" types! For example, use always "idle" instead of
# "idle-factor" or whatever you defined in the langfiles.

# which stats should be shown?
set topstats "words lines wpl actions smileys kicks modes topics idle minutes" задаем параметры топ10, что будет показываться

## Livestat settings

# listen on which port for livestat connection?
# (to disable, either comment this out or use "off" or 0 as value)
# (if you use the default, you can access the stats at
# http://your.shell.com:8033/ )
#livestats 8033 тут закомментировано, т.к. тут выключена веб статистика, мне она не нравится

# defines what will be counted as a smiley
# (don't add hundreds of smileys if you want a reasonable cpu usage)
set smileys ":-) :) ;) ;-) ^_^ :-D :-P :P =) ;D"

7. запускаем бота

shadow@rox# ./eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf
больше -m не используем он только для первого запуска


shadow@rox# ./eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf

Eggdrop v1.6.18 © 1997 Robey Pointer © 2006 Eggheads
[18:22] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.18 (Sat Feb 3 2007)
[18:22] Listening at telnet port 5554 (all).
[18:22] Module loaded: dns
[18:22] Module loaded: channels
[18:22] Module loaded: server
[18:22] Module loaded: ctcp
[18:22] Module loaded: irc
[18:22] Module loaded: notes (with lang support)
[18:22] Module loaded: console (with lang support)
[18:22] Module loaded: blowfish
[18:22] Module loaded: uptime
[18:22] Userinfo TCL v1.07 loaded (URL BF GF IRL EMAIL DOB PHONE ICQ).
[18:22] use '.help userinfo' for commands.

Telnet to the bot and enter 'NEW' as your nickname.
OR go to IRC and type: /msg botic hello
This will make the bot recognize you as the master.

[18:22] === botic: 0 channels, 0 users.
Launched into the background (pid: 21098)

радуемся и идем в ирц.

/whois botic


botic is ~Botica@blabla.ru * botic
botic is using modes +iG
botic is connecting from *@blabla.ru
botic using irc.ykt.ru Sinet - YakNet
botic using codepage 'CP1251'
botic has been idle 14secs, signed on Sat Feb 03 18:05:58
botic End of /WHOIS list.

пишем /msg botic hello

[18:05] -> *botic* hello
[18:06] -botic- Hi VeldRiN! I'm botic, an eggdrop bot.
[18:06] -botic- I'll recognize you by hostmask '*!*eamLand@*.blabla.ru' from now on.
[18:06] -botic- As master you really need to set a password: with /MSG botic pass .
[18:06] -botic- All major commands are used from DCC chat. From now on, you don't need to use the -m option when sta

/msg botic pass blabla

[18:25] -> *botic* pass blabla
[18:25] -botic- Password set to: 'blabla'.

/dcc chat botic


Chat with botic
Waiting for acknowledgement...
DCC Chat connection established
[18:26] Enter your password.
[18:26] blabla
[18:26] Connected to botic, running eggdrop v1.6.18
[18:26] ____ __
[18:26] / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___ ___
[18:26] / _/ / _ `// _ `// _ // __// _ \ / _ \
[18:26] /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/ \___// .__/
[18:26] /___/ /___/ /_/
[18:26] Hey VeldRiN! My name is botic and I am running eggdrop v1.6.18, on FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE.
[18:26] Local time is now 18:26
[18:26] You are an owner of this bot. Only +n users can see this! For more info,
[18:26] see .help set motd. Please edit the motd file in your bot's 'text'
[18:26] directory.
[18:26] Use .help for basic help.
[18:26] Use .help for help on a specific command.
[18:26] Use .help all to get a full command list.
[18:26] Use .help *somestring* to list any help texts containing "somestring".
[18:26] Have fun.
[18:26] Commands start with '.' (like '.quit' or '.help')
[18:26] Everything else goes out to the party line.
[18:26] ### You have the following note(s) waiting:
[18:26] 1. botic (Feb 03 18:05)
[18:26] 2. botic (Feb 03 18:05)
[18:26] 3. botic (Feb 03 18:25)
[18:26] 4. botic (Feb 03 18:25)
[18:26] ### Use '.notes read' to read them.
[18:26] *** VeldRiN joined the party line.
[18:27] .notes erase
[18:27] Erased all notes.
[18:27] [18:27] #VeldRiN# notes erase
[18:27] .who
[18:27] [18:27] #VeldRiN# who
[18:27] Party line members: (* = owner, + = master, % = botmaster, @ = op, ^ = halfop)
[18:27] [08] *VeldRiN ~DreamLand@veldrin.blabla.ru (con:mcobxs)

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: VeldRiN (2007-02-03) | Автор: VeldRiN E W
Просмотров: 6922 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
1 ds  
хули пиздите номально же? angry

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